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CareWin Dust Mites Terminator  + Air Freshener

Atopic DermatitisIndoor dust and airborne material are common causes of asthma, allergy and other respiratory problems.

One of the most common contributors to indoor dust is Dust Mites.

Dust mites are too small for human eyes to detect, which is why we tend to ignore their existence unless their presence threatens our health.

Their body parts and droppings have potent allergens that hang in the air and can enter our lungs thereby causing serious health problems.

Feeling itchy, scratching while sleeping....?

Asthma and allergies










Feeling itchy, scratching while sleeping, sneezing and sometime itchy eye?
Now let’s target the cause ~ this is what happens: Millions of almost invisible small tiny dust mites sleep with you every night!
Unaware of the danger you might inhale them which may cause various bodily itch and rashes.

Welcome the new Dust mites Terminator that will smash them, suck them, sterilize and refresh the air in your room with build in air freshener.

CareWin Dustmite Terminator Video Demo



CareWin UV Dustmite Vacuum

CareWin UV Dustmite VacuumSpecification:

Color: Lime Green
Net Weight: 2.2kg
Motor Power: 600W
Unit Size: 34x22x17cm
Display: LED icon display
Filter: HEPA Filter
UV Lamp: PHILIPS Ultra-violet rays lamp




Mode of Operation:

  1. Vacuum - Vibration - Sterilization
  2. Vacuum - Sterilization
  3. Sterilization


Philips UV-C lamp takes away 99.9% of the bacteria and allergens within one second.
3600RPM powerful vibration pad eliminates in-bedding dust mites and fine dusts.
~ Exclusively designed anti-stick roller prevents sticking to fabrics. 
600W powerful suction motor with wide-suction opening.
HEPA FILTER (0.3µ filtering) can filter microscopic dust and also clean the air. 
~ Air Freshnener to refresh the air with aroma. (OPTIONAL)
Smart Handle stops the vacuum automatically when you release the handle for safely and convenience. 
~ LCD diaplay shows your selected mode of operation.

CareWin Dust Mites Terminator  + Air Freshener

CareWin Dustmite Teminator Features

Get it NOW and make your bed, pillow, cushion, sofa, clothes.... 
Dust Mites FREE!

CareWin Dustmite Vacuum with UV sterilizer

Order Now
Call 012-4873133 or email




Contact Details:


Shop Number: 101
Contact Number 6012-4873133
Email Address
Company Website

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